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I've had a long journey through the mental health system, not only dealing with my disorders but the stigma from others. People who don't suffer do not understand, and these images are an attempt to visualize these experiences. 


The goal is to reduce stigmas surrounding these disorders as well as to connect to those who struggle with them, let them know they are not alone.


I also write stories and find comfort in others commenting their own experiences and feelings; a lot of my art is connected with them as well.


Fresh Air from Despair:

Created during the times when depressive episodes have either lifted or done to try and coax myself out of one.

The bright colors and shapes are what I am trying to redirect my mind towards. Paintings like 'Rinse and Repeat' and 'Self-Love is Difficult' depict trying to create something of value, something pretty, from all the pain.


Comfort the Afflicted:

A person can appear fine on the outside, but inside there is so much pain, sometimes the mental is so bad it gets physical. This externalizes them, to portray what is happening in my mind during the dark moments and the times I paint to claw myself out of them.​

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